It’s Time for a Personalized Conference Experience

Anna Degtereva
4 min readOct 14, 2020

Offline conferences used to be epic. Hundreds of speakers, panels, and presentations. We signed up, we went, and we smiled. If we were lucky, in addition to an overwhelming amount of information, we would also take home a pocket full of business cards for potential new connections. If we were really lucky, maybe we had a meaningful encounter while we waited in line for two hours to register. Or while in line for the restroom. Occasionally connections could be made during a quick lunch break or at an afterparty.

Those were the opportunities we were given, and we took them. Sometimes we worked magic with those opportunities, and sometimes we went home with a case of mental whiplash from trying to absorb and connect. To sort the relevant from the irrelevant. The wheat from the chaff.

But those days are gone. COVID-19 has eliminated 1000-person offline conferences from our lives. And it’s given us 1000-person online conferences instead. Same insane amount of content on conflicting streams and schedules, and no truly effective networking opportunities to be found.

Times have changed. Our lives have changed. Our conferences and networking opportunities need to change as well.

Personal & Relevant Connections

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is the value of time. We have learned (or re-learned) that there is no excuse for wasting it on irrelevant things. This includes time in our business life, in the relationships we build and maintain, and most certainly in the time we spend networking.

The vision for my conference, LinkUpConferenceShow, is to offer a truly personalized and effective networking experience.

In order to build professional relationships, you need to be connecting with the right pros in the right industries. Our first LUCS event is only for CEOs and top executives, and we will focus only on the FinTech and Telecom industries. By creating this exclusive environment, we are ensuring that time spent networking at our event will be relevant, effective, and rewarding.

Next year we plan to scale our event and invite other audiences and industries. We have found an amazing path for improving digital networking, and we plan to run with it. But each event will remain focused and exclusive. Our next event, for example, will take place in March and focus on FoodTech and HealthTech.

Applications, Not Registrations

How will we maintain our focus and ensure relevant connections? The first step is our application process. We review every single application. Only CEOs and C-level executives are approved. If an applicant wants to attend who is not a good fit for this event, their purchase will be refunded. It’s that simple. Attendance will be curated to ensure the best networking possible.

The application serves a second very important purpose. It informs us of your focus areas, your goals, and your needs. This helps us get a clear picture of exactly what you are looking for in the conference and helps us facilitate the right connections.

AI for Matchmaking

Once you have filled out your application for LinkUpConferenceShow and been approved, our special algorithm will use your answers to create a personalized list of connections. No more scrolling through thousands of profiles. No more wasted time. Just relevant and active connections.

It’s Time for Connections, Not Content

We have created a 70/30 recipe. LinkUpConferenceShow will dedicate 70% of the day to networking time. Each participant will receive a personalized schedule that includes 5 networking sessions with no more than 20 people in each group. Limited, focused, and facilitated.

The remaining 30% of the day will be spent refreshing your energy with the help of global visionaries like Tim Draper and industry leaders like Samantha Ettus. Their unpredictable 15-minute interviews and insights will give you a break, and a boost. No more content whiplash and limited connections. We give you a full day of effective networking sessions with inspiration sprinkled in between.

Sparkling Support

Your 5 personalized networking sessions will be facilitated and supported by dedicated LinkUpManagers. These trained professionals are experienced in improv, comedy, and human communication. They are going to be familiar with your application information and why you’re attending. They will help you navigate your virtual connections, break the ice, make introductions, and keep the sessions focused and fun.

Feedback & Extended Access

After each interview and networking session, we’ll take a short break and ask for yourfeedback. Has the day been useful to you so far? Are you getting what you need with your time? Is there anything else you want that we can help you with? We want to make sure that everything we do at LinkUpConferenceShow is useful for our audience. We created this event for you.

After the event day is over, attendees will have a full six months to access their LUCS contact list, as well as all recorded networking sessions, interviews, and content. We don’t want you to miss any opportunities to absorb and enjoy, and most importantly — to connect.

Think LinkUpConferenceShow is for you? Then fill out an application form and let us do the rest. Hope to see you there!

